Rider Info

NEW RIDERS – Please download and complete the form and send it to us – You will be added to our waiting and contacted in the near future to arrange an assessment.   The waiting list is now open but we do still have a wait for spaces to become available

Due to horse availability our limits at this time are:

Weight limit is 10stone 

Height limit is 5ft 8″

We do also offer non riding sessions where you come and groom, touch, smell and interact with the ponies on the ground. Please send the same form to us to apply but with a note on that you would like non ridden therapy sessions – These sessions often do not have a waiting list! 








The Centre closes during half term to regular riders to allow time for Volunteer & Staff Training along with New rider assessments. The main Easter and Summer Holidays we will be offering alternative activities and sessions at an additional cost. 


VAT Notice

Riding Fees will be being reviewed in January 2024.  Riding fees are the only source of income for the centre.

Preferred payment option is online in advance:

Termly fees £480.00 incl VAT by BACS at the beginning of each term

Weekly cost is £45.00 Incl VAT per group session by arrangement only

Private sessions are subject to availability and on request only – Price on application 

RDA Simulator sessions are £45 per session by arrangement only and in addition to your usual riding fees

Non Disabled simulator sessions are available by arrangement £45 per session

Non Disabled sessions on your own horse are available with Sarah Healing RDA Advanced Coach and Mentor, BHSL4 AND BD Accredited Para Coach £45.00 

Simulator followed by a session on your own horse – £60.00 with Sarah Healing 

Horse care sessions are £30 per session by arrangement only – This is an additional charge if you are also riding 

Let the ponies work their magic – Non ridden therapy sessions for young people struggling with anxiety and mild to moderate metal health. Thursday afternoons. Email penniwellsrda@outlook.com for more details. £40 per session x 6 sessions

Please email penniwellsrda@outlook.com to apply

24hrs notice of cancellation is required

LIMITED VOLUNTEER RIDING SESSIONS (ABLE BODIED) are now available £40.00 per session – Please ask when you are next at the centre if interested 

The Centre costs over £200,000 per year to run – riding only brings in around 50% of this and so we are totally reliant on fund-raising, donations and applying for grants to make it all come together. Please help support our events where you can. 

Please note our waiting list at present has 51 applicants –  We cannot guarantee that you will be given a space once assessed as your suitability on riding is based on the assessment process.  Lots of things need to be put in place first ie: size of horse required, volunteer help available, if you are able to sit up on the horse at assessment time, how you get on and off the horse – all have to be thought about carefully before we will offer you a permanent riding session.

Please be aware Riding is a risk sport and whilst we try to keep the risk to a minimum we cannot promise you will not fall off, be trodden on, nipped or kicked at some point. you must consider the risk before agreeing to our terms & conditions at the Centre.

All payments are now to be made by Bank Transfer where possible

All cheques are to be made payable to : Penniwells Riding Centre

Anyone failing to pay fees in the time period will be stopped from riding until fees have been fully paid. If you have problems with your payment or wish to discuss it further please contact the Treasurer, Eileen McGrath or Sarah Healing.

Please let us know if you are unable to attend your session as we have volunteers and ponies tacked up and ready to go

If you have any queries regarding payment please email to penniwellsrda@outlook.com. Without fees paid on time we cannot continue to run efficiently.


Thank you for your co-operation and we hope you continue to enjoy your sessions.








Please fill in a gift aid form at the centre or ask for one to be emailed to you! This alone helps us raise over £5000 per year!

Gift Aid Claim Form.doc 2016